A stamp set of curious, graphical and unique argentine sayings or idioms, commonly known as lunfardo/lunfardismos. Similar to the brazilian set.
Possibilities are almost endless with this one, but some ideas:
  • Vivis en un tupper (you live in a tupperware, told to people that don't have a clue about what's happening around them)
  • Al divino botón (to the divine button, when saying that an action is futile or useless. A holy, angel-like button stamp would be fun to have!)
  • Sos un salame (you're a salami slice, said about someone who's being dumb, goofy. An anthropomorphic salami piece would do good here)
  • Ponete las pilas! (put on the batteries!, Said when someone has to put more energy, enthusiasm or effort in something)
  • Cabeza de termo (thermos flask head, said of someone that's not very bright or has regressive ideas. Have into account that we're talking about the mate's Termo, not other kinds)
  • Menos onda que bandera de chapa (less wave than a metal flag, referring to someone who's boring, insipid or has a negative attitude)
  • Si te digo que es carnaval, apretá el pomo (if i tell you that it's carnival, squeeze the knob. Used to indicate that one's advice is reliable, being sure about what they're talking)
  • Te voy a enseñar cuántos pares son tres botas (I'm gonna teach you how many pairs are three boots, used as a soft-threat, to warn someone that they'll be made to understand, by force if necessary, how they should behave or what they should do)
  • Me tomé hasta el agua de los floreros (I even drank the water from the vases, said when someone has drunk too much)
  • Tres gatos locos (three crazy cats, slang for a small/non-relevant group of people)
More examples can be found at https://instagram.com/theargentiniandictionary?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= , which explains them in english as much as it's possible. Lot of potential here!