[Argentina] Favaloro's Bypass Surgery method / René Favaloro / National Day of Social Medicine ( Jul 12 )

René Favaloro was a pioneering Argentine cardiac surgeon who made an incredible impact on the field of medicine. Born on July 14, 1923, in La Plata, Argentina, he is best known for his invention of coronary artery bypass surgery, a procedure that has saved countless lives around the world.
Today, Favaloro is remembered as a hero and innovator in the medical field and a stamp honoring his legacy could feature a heart with a bandaid on it, symbolizing the healing power of his life-saving technique.
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Shiro from Slowly

Shiro from Slowly My hear is beating faster knowing about this. Thanks guys!

Shiro from Slowly Miranda from Slowly
what is necessary to make this stamp for real?
Tell me how can I help. Thanks!