[Brazil] Brazilian Flowers and Plants Stamp Set
Brazil has a great diversity of beautiful flowers and plants, so it would be wonderful to see them here, with a set of their own.
Here is a compilation of some suggestions that could be in this set:
• Espada de São Jorge (https://imagens-revista.vivadecora.com.br/uploads/2019/02/okok.jpg) [It's origin is from Africa, but it's comom to see this plant in the gardens of the houses. It's almost a tradition to have them, for aesthetic and, sure, for protection]
• Begônia (https://www.floresefolhagens.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/begonia-cerosa-begonia-semperflorens.jpg)
• Jacarandá (https://static3.tcdn.com.br/img/img_prod/350075/muda_de_jacaranda_mimoso_roxo_feita_de_semente_12157_1_20220412114305.jpg)
• Onze-horas (https://minhasplantas.s3.amazonaws.com/media/plantas/galeria/Portulaca-grandiflora-08.jpg)
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