[Brazil] Please can you add some new Brazil localization stamps
Brazil is gigantic to be represented by just one stamp. Could you add some local stamps to better represent Brazil?
- Avenida Paulista: wiki Av. Paulista.
- Sao Paulo Museum of Art: MASP, wiki MASP.
- Ibirapuera Park: site Ibirapuera, wiki Ibirapuera.
- Sugarloaf Mountain: site Bondinho, wiki Pão de Açúcar.
- Iguazu Falls: wiki Iguazu Falls, site Iguazu Falls.
- Botanical Garden of Curitiba: site Botanical Garden.
- Pelourinho: wiki Pelourinho.
- Lacerda Elevator: wiki Lacerda Elevator.
- Lencois Maranhenses: wiki Lencois.
- Archaeological Site of São Miguel das Missões: wiki Sao Miguel.
- Blue Lagoon Grotto: tour guide.
- Chapada dos Veadeiros: wiki Chapada.
- Amazon Forest
- Amazon Theater: wiki Theater.
- Cathedral of Brasilia: wiki Cathedral.
This is just to name some of the main Brazilian tourist attractions.
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Shiro from Slowly
- Porto Alegre public market in Rio Grande do Sul https://www.mercadopublico.com.br/
- Skyglass in Rio Grande do Sul https://skyglasscanela.com.br/
- Amethyst Mine Hotel and Restaurant in Ametista do Sul https://hotel-e-restaurante-belvedere-mina.hoteis-em-suldobrasil.com/pt/
Vote please!
Shiro from Slowly
Merged in a post:
stamps by state
It would be interesting stamps of the Brazilian states
Shiro from Slowly
While we’re reviewing different proposals and it will take time, we’d love to know what kind of stamps our users care about most:
5 are enough, if u think on the five br regions. One for each region is interesting. Southeast already has the Cristo Redentor one (but can put smth from sp, for ex, MASP), South could be on of Jardim Botanico, from north smth from Amazonia (perhaps?), Northeast would be interesting Elevador Lacerda, and for central-west the Catedral Metropolitana de Brasilia. Well, these are just examples. Think bout it. Tnx.
On north could be the Teatro Amazonas.
j.uh: I want SO MUCH it has the Ver-o-Peso Market (Belém-Pará)...
it's the largest open air market in Latin America... I believe it has a greater international projection than Teatro Amazonas
uvlys: could be, idk kkk they were just examples. Just thought that five stamps can be enough for now considering our five regions. Than people chose what they think are best :)
uvlys: you could post a link to
an information, reference page
. And adding a couple of images would help your cause. I know the market by name, but do not know what it looks like.Thank you...
Yann2: I already put it in Shiro's comment, but thanks for the tip 😉❤️
Shiro from Slowly
under review
Shiro from Slowly: Thank you ^^
Shiro from Slowly
If you could only choose 5, which 5 would be on your list?
It will help us a lot :)
Shiro from Slowly, thank you for considering this and asking for our suggestions. I think it's a great idea.
Since we could have up to 5 Location stamps, and there's already one (the Christ Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro), the to be added list would be 4 new ones, unless the Christ one was discontinued.
From the extensive list which Carolinee. compiled above, I would chose :
- The superb MASP building, in São Paulo, in theSouth/southern region.
- The award winning Brasilia Cathedral, in Brasilia, one of the best known projects by famous Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer. This is in theCentral region.
- The Elevador Lacerdain Salvador, Bahia, it is a striking visual edifice and would create a curious stamp people would enjoy sharing and talking about. This is in theNortheast region.
And if we are to keep the Christ stamp, I only have room for
one more
.- To respect the 'cover the regions' aspect, I would vote for Mercado Ver-o-Peso, in Belém, Pará state, which is in theNorth regionof the country.
If the Christ stamp was to be discontinued, maybe the
Foz do Iguaçu
cataracts could become the 5th stamp. This is well known worldwide, on par with the Niagara Falls cataract.I am not sure how well these could be represented in a stamp small size, but it has been suggested by various users.
I should declare I am fluent in Portuguese and have lived in the country for many years in the past. Hence my familiarity with some of the proposed landmarks.
Thank you! 😎👍✨
edited :
with a change to support Mercado Ver-o-Peso
as suggested by uvlys Thank you!uvlys
Shiro from Slowly: Hi!
If I could choose, it would be:
1 - MASP Building from Sao Paulo
2 - Botanical Garden from Curitiba (Paraná)
3 - Lacerda Elevator from Bahia
4 - Cathedral of Brasilia (Federal District)
5 - The Ver-o-Peso Market from Belém (Pará)
I think the Ver-o-Peso Market would be better because it's the largest open air market in Latin America... I believe it has a greater international projection than Teatro Amazonas.
Some information about the Ver-o-Peso Market:
In the list I would put one from each region. Being:
- Southeast: MASP;
- South: Botanical Garden of Curitiba;
- North: Amazon Theater;
- Northeast: Lacerda Elevator;
- Midwest: Metropolitan Cathedral of Brasília.
Hope this helps. Thank you very much in advance.
uvlys: nicely done!! Thank you. I had just posted and suggested that - before your comment appeared.
Cheers! 👍😎
Yann2: Hey!
As we already have the Rainforest Animals stamp set (which somehow represents the Amazon rainforest too) I think it would be interesting to have the Ver-o-Peso Market (in Belém, Pará) instead of the Teatro Amazonas...
it's the largest open air market in Latin America and I believe it has a greater international projection than Teatro Amazonas.
Besides, it would be interesting to have a Market among the other stamps!
uvlys: yes, I am not opposed to that, the Teatro Amazonas was listed before and is one I am familiar with.
But it could be another landmark as well, if it is significant and would become an interesting stamp. I think the Market could work, I assume it is a distribution point for produce, fruit, etc, arriving in Belém via the fluvial networks?
This aspect would really represent the North, Amazonic region, better than the Theater.
Yann2: Exactly!!!
As you can read on the UNESCO website:
"[..] The Ver-o-Peso is, above all, a place of intense social life and cultural exchange, where traditional labor practices take place and a complex web of social relations is woven, involving trade of a commercial but also symbolic nature."
"The site synthesizes, in a unique manner, the culture of the Amazon region in its cultural practices, in its relationship with the river as a pathway, a source of nourishment and of leisure. Its role as a trade post, giving rise to the Ver-o-Peso in 1688, remains alive, even in face of other possibilities for transport and communication between the cities in the state and the region, particularly the capitals and the seat of power, but still distant from the economic and technological reality of many places in inland Amazon.
Its exceptionality is thus expressed in the geographic (Amazônia) and cultural representativeness (interchange of amazonical people), on its antiquity (about 400 years), its location within an ensemble of Colonial buildings, its iron architecture, its vital relationship with the river, supplying the city with agricultural products, but also with traditional knowledge expressed in the preparation of food, in arts and crafts, in speech, in popular medicine, in superstitions, myths and legends from the Amazon."
By the way, the Ver-o-Peso market is being analyzed to enter the UNESCO Heritage List, as you can see here: https://aresdomundo.com/patrimonio-da-unesco-no-brasil/
(website only in Portuguese, unfortunately)
uvlys: Excellent information and thank you. I will edit my comment above to Shiro and list the
Ver-o-Peso as my choice for the North region
then. Thank you!And that site Ares Do Mundo
can be seen in English, via Google Translate
Yann2: Thank you very much for all your help and support!!! ❤️
uvlys: You are very welcome, my pleasure. 😎👍🍀
Carolinee.: I just made a mockup stamp with a night shoot of the Cathedral of Brasilia, and I think it looks great. Attached here as a sample.
Yann2: Looks awesome!
Carolinee.: Thank you! We have the https://picturepostage.ca/ site, from Canada Post, which allows us to create custom postage stamps, order and pay for them, and get them delivered.
I like it for creating these mockups, as they give a good idea of what a real stamp could look like. I don't finish the order or pay, just compose the stamp and take a snapshot when it's ready.
Save it, and it's a nice postcard to share with pen pals as well. 😎
Shiro from Slowly
Merged in a post:
Local-based stamp
If It's possible, do more local-based stamps from Brazil, It's really tiring to see that foreingner just know about Rio de Janeiro with its Cristo Redentor. Think about Jardim Botânico from Curitiba, or even MASP from São Paulo. Could be a lot better. Another cool idea would be a stamp set about our mythology. Tnx.
A quick reminder - as stated by Kevin Wong in other topics here, he will be willing to accept up to 5 Location stamps for any given country.
Brazil has the Christ Redeemer (Cristo Redentor) stamp already, so the maximum local users could get would be up to 4 more. But even that is asking a lot, as there are other projects in the site.
Organizing by people's favourites, eye catching images, you could try to make a list for requesting. Good luck, everyone.
Brazil certainly deserves some more Location stamps. 😎👍🌟
Shiro from Slowly
Merged in a post:
The Famous Natural Wonders Of Brazil
The Amazon Rainforest, 9 States
Fernando De Noronha, Pernambuco
Cachoeira Da Fumaça (Smoke Falls), Bahia
Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, Maranhão
Iguaçu Falls, Paraná
Pico Da Neblina, Amazonas
The Pantanal, Mato Grosso Do Sul And Mato Grosso
Sugarloaf Mountain, Rio De Janeiro
The Meeting Of Waters, Manaus
(I have added a quick print of some random images of Brazil's natural wonders)
Thank you!
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