[France] Non-Parisian landmarks
Adding or changing some of the stamps to showcase non-Parisian landmarks would be great to highlight the diverse beauty and history of France.
In my opinion, it would be wise to keep the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame as they are iconic French landmarks that are recognized worldwide. However, updating their design would be ideal.
The Louvre Pyramid on its own may not be the best representation of French architecture, and replacing it with Mont Saint Michel would be a great alternative.
Similarly, the Arc de Triomphe can be substituted for a more diverse landmark such as the Gard Bridge, which is a remarkable feat of engineering and a symbol of the region's history.
Finally, adding a stamp showcasing the Lascaux cave paintings would be an excellent way to celebrate France's prehistoric art and its contribution to world heritage.
Alternatively, adding the Palace of the Popes in Avignon, which was the seat of the Papacy in the 14th century, is a fascinating landmark with a rich history.
It would also be great to see stamps featuring the different French islands, highlighting their individuality and unique landmarks, it can be done by following the ISO 3166-1 standards like for Isle of Man.
Reunion island :
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Shiro from Slowly
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[France] Non-Paris landmarks
Currently all the 4 stamps for France are monuments of Paris, I suggest adding more from other places such as :
- Mont St Michel (abbey on an fortified tidal island)
- Provence lavender fields
- Loire castles
- Avignon brigde or Gard bridge (ruin of roman aqueducts)
- Millau viaduct
- Carcassonne castle
- Camargue Salt Flats
Shiro from Slowly
We’ve added more location stamps for France. Thank you!
Alex from Nantes
I do agree, good idea! Thank you for submitting this! The Mont-St-Michel clearly deserves a stamp 🙂
There could be a castle too, such as the fortified city of Carcassonne, Chambord or Versailles. Other than that, I'd personally love to see ruins that date back to antiquity like the Gard bridge as you suggested or even prehistoric sites such as the cave paintings of Lascaux/Chauvet/... or megalithic alignments of Carnac.
France has an incredible diversity of landmarks and although Paris is the capital and the Eiffel tower is THE French monument, it seems unfair that the 4 stamps only represents Parisian monuments.
Great idea! Would love to see Mount St Michel and some others. Thank you!
slowly admin
We wish to cover all, but we can only cover a maximum of 5 per country for now.
Please comment on which five you'd like to keep (including the existing ones ). More comments will help us in making decisions. Thank you!
slowly admin: I understand this limit of five. I think that Mont St Michel is the most famous one. Could the other ones make an extra set?
Kaji : France currently has 4 Location Stamps already. If Kevin wants to keep a maximum of 5, that means we could add one, or more if one of the existing ones is 'Discontinued' (this will make it rarer and more desirable over time as well).
All of France stamps on their Country Gallery here : https://slowly.fandom.com/wiki/France
I agree that Mount St. Michel is absolutely stunning, and deserving of an issue. Lots of great photos :
The Castle of Carcassonne also is very important, and could be a second choice if we could pull if off.
All of these sound beautiful. Mont St Michel would be especially striking. I'd also like to suggest Broceliande forest and the Lascaux cave paintings.