[Germany] Town Musicians of Bremen / Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten
One of the best known Grimms' fairy tales and the symbol of Bremen.
This tale is known and loved by everyone in Germany, not to mention the city of Bremen itself, which has a monument dedicated to its characters!
Town Musicians of Bremen
is a tale that tells the story of four aging domestic animals, who after a lifetime of hard work are neglected and mistreated by their former masters. Eventually, they decide to run away and become town musicians in the city of Bremen
. Contrary to the story's title the characters never arrive in Bremen, as they succeed in tricking and scaring off a band of robbers, capturing their spoils, and moving into their house.This could work either as a premium or as a location stamp. The important thing is that looks pretty!

: The source material isn't mineLog In
The stamp got really beautiful. The animals don't look old and tired like those in the fairy tale, but the stamp is really nice. I like it.
Shiro from Slowly
Good idea!
I think it is important, that for the stamp it is chosen the moment out of the fairy tale, when the animals are standing on one another before they get into the house. Because if you see the pyramid with the four animals, you already know that this has to be the Bremer Stadtmusikanten. Just as seen in the photo and on the second stamp.
This is a great idea, and the stamp you made is so lovely - thank you, Nonethewiser. Great work!
Yann2: Thank you! 😊 Let's hope more people are interested in it!
Nonethewiser: You are very welcome. No, regarding the stamp, the artwork included - what is the status, regarding copyright?
The stamp is
absolutely lovely, and production ready
- I would think it would be a popular one if issued. Look forward to it!Nonethewiser
Yann2: it's stock clipart, so I'm pretty sure that usage rights would need to be purchased:
Great work! Nonethewiser 😄 I like the idea and design you made.
Amigo97: Thank you so much! 😄