"Thanks for your suggestion, and we are sorry that the location stamp collection has yet to cover all the places.
Each country now has around 0-5 stamps based on user numbers. "
Hi Slowly, following up on your email reply, (35XG7M-208M0) here are a list of suggestions for Country, GUAM
  1. National Bird: Guam Rail (Hypotaenidia owstoni)
  2. Historical: Låtte Stone Park Or Gadao's Cave (ancient cave art)
  3. Landmark: Tarzan Falls or Guam Beach Sunset
  4. Food & Drinks: Pit Roast Pig or Buenelos Dågu (banana desert)
  5. Expression: "HÅFA ADAI" (Hello)
If you require further reference, original art, or inspiration, feel free to contact me via email per ref# 35XG7M-208M0 ☺️
also you can check out.
Guam is a unincorporated US Territory, popular remote tourist destination in Asia. With over 1 million visiting tourists from Korea, Japan, and Philippines. I'm sure there are many who would appreciate the beauty, authenticity, and rarity of a Guam stamp.