Celebrated the first Friday of December every year, it’s an national holiday.
This holiday is celebrated in much of the same way as Thanksgiving is celebrated in the United States. However, there is less of an emphasis on food and there’s more of an emphasis on dressing up and attending church. Once that’s been done, then people enjoy holiday meals with their families.
These meals can include Fruit Bat Soup, Banana Cakes, Lemon Cheese Cake, and Macadamia Nut Pies. On this holiday, there are also theater productions that recreate the landing of Dr. Pierson on the Ebon Atoll. During this ceremony, there are songs sung, as well as prayers and sermons.
Every 50-years, there’s a Jubilee Gospel Day that’s celebrated as well. This is a day that’s observed like Gospel Day is celebrated in any other year, but celebrations are larger and much more elaborate. The last Jubilee Gospel Day was held in 2007 and the next one is scheduled for 2057. The one in 2057 is likely to be the largest Jubilee ever since it’s the 200-year anniversary of Dr. Pierson’s landing.